September/October 2021 pictures

Posted on 28-10-2021

Intercalary period in the Camargue, autumn is the season of passage between the departure of the migrants and the arrival of the winterers who will spend the winter in the Camargue. Most will move north in February March, mainly ducks and Common Cranes.
The Common Cranes migrate to the Camargue at the end of October, beginning of November, the next photo outings should therefore allow to go to their meetings.
Among the passerines, the Remiz penduline also begins to show the tip of its beak, maybe me will it be possible to observe them in the reed beds. Among the ducks, the Teal should arrive soon...

Western Osprey

Western Osprey

From the end of August, ospreys living in Europe are migratory. They take up their winter quarters south of the Sahara and return in April. The osprey feeds exclusively on fish caught on the surface of the water.

Common Snipe

Common Snipe

The Camargue is a stopover area for snipe which will winter in North Africa and a wintering area for others, less travelers. It is found at the edge of freshwater marshes and ponds.

The other photos below concern birds that can be observed all year round in the Camargue, they are sedentary.

Western Cattle Egret

Western Cattle Egret

Western Cattle Egret

The tree of Western Cattle Egret

Greater flamingo

Greater flamingo

Greater flamingo

Greater flamingo

Great Egret

Flight of the Great Egret

Great Egret

Great Egret in flight

Great Egret

Great Egret in flight

Chevalier arlequin

Spotted Redshank in flight

Chevalier arlequin

Quarrel of Spotted Redshank

Little Egret

Little Egret


Kingfisher on his fishing post