The Birds

Birds are a class of vertebrate tetrapods characterized by bipedalism, wings and a toothless beak and feathers.
Cosmopolitan, birds inhabit all environments, from the ice of Antarctica to equatorial forests and deserts. This distribution was made possible thanks to varied anatomical, physiological and behavioral adaptations (in particular the migratory phenomenon)..
There are, in 2020-2021, around 10,700 to 11,150 recorded species of birds (including 9,700 wild species). Very different both in their ecology and their behaviors, each of them has a common set of obvious characteristics allowing them to be grouped together, in particular a beak, a short bony tail, forelimbs transformed into wings and hindlimbs that serve alone. normally to progress on land or in water. In addition, they are all oviparous, that is to say, they lay eggs surrounded by a thin hard shell.
The anatomy and physiology of the majority of birds tend to favor their flight as much as possible: weight reduction (vertebral column characterized by the high number of vertebrae fused into a single and very solid piece of bone, the synsacrum, lightening of the skeleton by pneumatic bones, reduction of ventral and dorsal musculature).The aerodynamic body and a strong pectoral musculature are also favorable factors for flight. Finally, a very active metabolism favored by energy food and an efficient respiratory system by the presence of air sacs allow them to produce the high and lasting power required for flight. The speciation of terrestrial avifauna has however given rise to some flightless birds (ostriches, penguins, etc.).

The morphology of the head also contains many particular elements which make it possible to identify the species such as the presence of a crest, a crest, a wattle, a vibrissa, a barbel. The shape of the beak is often adapted to the diet of the bird: the beak will thus generally be hooked and robust in raptors, massive and conical in granivores, thin in insectivores, elongated and sensitive in species that forage in sediments, etc.
At the base of the trachea is the vocal organ of birds, the syrinx.
Plumage and its color can also be ways to recognize a species. Some have surprising decorative feathers such as the tail feathers of tailed straws, lyrebirds or that of male peacocks. The plumages and the different kinds of specialized feathers that compose them have many functions for the bird, the most universal being thermal insulation, which participates in maintaining the internal temperature of these homeothermic tetrapods. For some species, the plumage can provide effective camouflage. For others, the plumage of males is used in courtship displays or is essential for courtship. Thus, juveniles and sexually immature individuals generally have a particular plumage which evolves, most often gradually, until their first breeding season. Finally, for many species, feathers are essential for flight.